Min 101: MC: Preparation/Evangelism
Preparation for Service . The devotional life, prayer life, spiritual qualifications for the ministry, conduct, call, general education, study of the Word, devotion to the ministry, the nature of service and motives. Includes discussion of standards for dating and marriage. Personal Evangelism . The duty and privilege of soulwinning: Christ, the Master Evangelist; early church evangelism in Acts; building bridges; a basic soulwinning method; dealing with different types of people; follow-up; training soulwinners; evangelistic efforts.
Min 102: MC: Discipleship/Preaching
Personal Discipleship . Principles, guidelines and methods in the discipling of new converts. Includes a study of a variety of discipleship materials. Emphasis will be on one-on-one discipleship. Fundamentals of Preaching . The nature and importance of preaching. Discussion of the theme concept and the means by which an effective sermon is developed.
Min 110: Introduction to Christian Ministry
An overview to expose the student to the gamut of ministry preparedness; types of ministry, components and needed resources.
Min 201: MC: Music/Youth Ministries
Ministry of Music . The place and importance of music in Christian worship. Scriptural principles for church music. The role of the pastor, the song leader, the choir director and/or the minister of music in the music program; congregational singing; special music; the choir; problems in the development of a quality music program. Emphasis is placed on building a church music program on scriptural principles. The Youth Ministry . Focuses on the critical importance of the youth worker's character and personal walk with God as the keys to successful youth ministry. Addresses a philosophy of youth work; the characteristics and qualifications of a good youth pastor; the power of the youth pastor's example; the youth pastor/pastor relationship; the youth pastor/parent relationship; the youth pastor/teen relationship; counseling youth; promotion and direction of the youth ministry; programs and activities.
Min 202: MC: Missions/Prayer
World Missions . The biblical basis, historical overview, and place and importance of missions. Introduction to basic missionary methods and issues. Responsibility of the local church to missions and missionaries. Preparation for mutual understanding of concerns and perspectives of both pastors and missionaries. Survey of the current missionary situation around the world. Ministry of Prayer . Looks at different aspects of prayer related to the work of the ministry, including the minister's private prayer life, public praying, pastoral prayers and model prayers in the Bible.
Min 203: Youth Work
Promotion and direction of youth work: young people's societies in the local church, evangelistic youth rallies and summer camps.
Min 208: Personal Evangelism
Designed to teach the fundamentals of the Christian life, soulwinning and follow-up.
Min 220: Methods of Mentoring
An introduction to philosophy and methods for productive mentor relationships. The student will learn how to begin and nurture one-on-one mentor relationships and how to establish a ministry-based mentoring structure by examining Scriptural truth for mentor relationships.
Min 301: MC: Legal/Biblical Theology
The Ministry & Law . Civil law as it affects pastors, churches, Christian schools and their ministries. Includes discussion of potential liabilities relating to abuse cases, church discipline and counseling. Biblical Theology of Ministry. Mission drives the vision and methodologies of a church. The course unfolds the biblical definition, mission, purposes, responsibilities, and mindset of a well-balanced church, and examines the biblical roles of a balanced pastoral ministry.
Min 302: MC: Current Issues/Stewardship
Current Issues . An examination of the current religious context in which Fundamentalists are ministering; lectures, discussion and reading about selected modern church movements; matters of difference within Fundamentalism; Christian behavioral expectations amidst a changing culture; issues affecting the internal harmony of local churches; ecclesiastical relationships. Personal & Church Finance . An in-depth look at the preacher's personal finances, including budgeting, tax advantages, social security, insurance and written resources; key attitudes in finance; ethical pitfalls in finance; the basics of church budgeting; internal controls; church building program.
Min 320: Women in Christian Service
Prepares women for the responsibilities of ministry in the home and church. Based upon the Titus 2:3-5 model, the course equips women for service and leadership roles through practical biblical instruction and exposes them to ministries of women, both past and present, through readings, class discussions and guest lecturers. Only open to women.
Min 325: Children's Ministry
Methods, materials and procedures used in the evangelism and Christian growth of children.
Min 350: History of Christianity
Overviews the history of the Christian faith since the New Testament era. Notes the formative influence of the early church councils and places special emphasis on the nature and contributions of the Reformation. Discusses modern Christian history with application to contemporary theological issues.
Min 395: Camp Internship
Practical instruction in all phases of a Bible camp ministry, including philosophy, development and maintenance, governmental issues, staff, programming, administration, finances and food services. Hands-on experience for the total operation of a camp program.
Min 397: Evangelism Internship
Practical experience and instruction in all phases of a traveling evangelist's ministry, including scheduling meetings, correspondence, family issues, finances and children's work. Student travels with the evangelist and completes projects and readings.
Min 399: Church Internship
Practical experience and instruction in all phases of the local church ministry under the leadership of an experienced pastor.
Min 401: MC: Marriage/Cults
Ministry & Marriage. Preparing your life for marriage and family; being the right man, choosing the right wife; challenges of marriage and ministry; rearing godly children; involving your family in ministry; ministering to couples and families. Cults. Survey of cults, noting their historical roots, basic beliefs and patterns of unbelief, with a view to equipping the pastor for the pluralistic environment in which he will minister.
Min 402: MC: Worship/Relationships
The Pastor's Public Ministry. An examination of the biblical requirements and responsibilities of the pastor as he leads the public church services, with a major focus on the Sunday worship service. Also includes practical guidelines about how to conduct a baptismal service, the Lord's Supper, weddings and funerals. Ministry Relationships. Designed to prepare young men for the realistic challenges of church ministry; survey of the opportunities of service available to them as they initially enter the ministry; understanding and responding properly to the early challenges of ministry; transitioning from education to church ministry; ordination; candidating; keys to effectiveness; conflict resolution.
Min 407: MC: Ministry Perspectives
Attendance at weekly combined ministry class and participation in ministry outreach activities. Enrollment in this course is for ministry students who have successfully completed Min 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 401 and 402.
Min 408: MC: Ministry Outreach
Participation in ministry outreach activities. Enrollment in this course is for ministry students who have successfully completed Min 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 401 and 402 and have irreconcilable scheduling conflicts with Min 407.
Min 410: Methods of Church Planting
Training prospective church planters and entry-level pastors in effective methodology of planting and developing a church through the first five years: models, selecting a locale, basic business and legal issues, writing a church constitution and brochure, evangelism, church building program and pastor- people relations.
Min 430: Christian Masterworks
A study and biblical analysis of works that have made significant contributions to Christian thought.
Min 440: History of Revival & Evangelism
The place of revival and evangelism in Scripture and in the Christian heritage. A study of existing conditions prior to past revivals and awakenings, along with the characteristics, course, characters and consequences of each of these special movements of God's Spirit. Includes an investigation of false revivals and revivalists, along with biblical warnings. Discussions also point to the best available literature.
Min 450: Ministry: Youth
Principles, plans and procedures to develop a written philosophy of youth ministry; principles for the effective organization, administration and implementation of youth programs in the local church setting; and crucial issues facing teenagers, including peer pressure, friendship, sexual promiscuity, music and drugs.
Min 452: Ministry: Discipleship
Guidelines for the development of spiritual maturity through the implementation of scriptural principles; ministry to various audiences, including areas such as camp work, elderly and special needs; and oversight and development of the church educational program for all age-groups including Christian school and homeschool.
Min 454: Ministry: Administration
The pastor's responsibility for the total care of his people; scriptural basis and guidelines for administrative management as the overseer; and legal and financial issues.
Min 456: Ministry: Missions
The missions program of a local church: missionary care and administration. Understanding the dynamics of cross-cultural ministry; and the special challenges and opportunities of urban ministry.
Min 458: Ministry: Evangelism
The philosophy and activity of an evangelist, including planning and conducting meetings, ethics, personal challenges and finances; preparation of focused messages for evangelism and revival preaching; and a church evangelistic program.
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RecStay Cultural Campus Cali (v) Colombia, South America |
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